Tuesday, January 11, 2011


From July through September, I dated a guy who I was set up with by friends.  In what I have now recognized as one of my less optimal dating patterns, we jumped into a relationship before I really knew him.  Before I knew things like: he likes to take pictures of random (and not so random) girls boobs and asses and then put them all over his facebook, he's not healthy in any sense of the word (super stressed, horrible diet, poor fitness routine, even some sex issues), he likes to flirt overtly with friends that are girls on his facebook, and the kicker... he doesn't want to put any effort into a relationship at all!

Food for thought for all of you fabulous single girls out there:  If you've met a wonderful guy, there's no harm in taking a little extra time to MAKE SURE he's great, not just better than the awful guys you've met up to this point, before jumping into an exclusive relationship.  Also, while I'm all for sleeping with a guy whenever you're ready and it feels right to you... please don't be pressured by the "three date rule".  If I guy is worth having, he'll wait for you until you're sure.  He's got two good hands, afterall ;-)

With that said, I'll resume recounting of some crazy first dates starting from October, 2010. I cancelled my Plenty Of Fish profile due to all the weirdos, so from here on out it will only be guys from OKCupid until further notice.

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